Monday, December 7, 2009

Ian's Christmas Program

Ian had his first Christmas program at church this year. It was on a Thursday to coincide with his Thursday school. The kids had practiced for weeks, even using a CD at home that the music teacher had provided so the kids could learn the songs (Ian loved this at first yet screamed, "NO!" when I would put the CD in over the last week). This first video is when the kids first entered the room. Each age group went on their own into the classroom and sang in a very relaxed atmosphere...they could come sit with parents,etc. Watch Ian throughout the video.
This next video includes a little drum playing on Ian's part. Notice Abby is now in the program...unplanned of course.
This next one is about the little baby in a manger. Notice that while the other kids have babies...Ian has a purple turtle. I missed that one in the Christmas story! The teacher explained later that some of the kids had an "aversion to the babies" which is why some were holding animals. Great...Ian doesn't like babies???
Falling Snowflakes
So, as you can tell, Ian is not very enthusiastic about the stage. He did, however, enjoy the cookie/cake reception afterward as you can see in the pictures at the top. Ian is with his best friend, Annabelle.


Suzanne Nahay said...

This is hilarious. He didn't move until someone said, "Cupcakes!", right? Our boys do love their sweet treats! I can't wait for Christmas together. Maybe Ian can teach Beck a few songs. He's most recently been working on The Dreidel Song at school...

Amy said...

HA HA! That was the funniest thing I've seen this week Tricia!!! I miss you...we need to get together soon!

2 Little Irish Boys said...

Oh, Tricia!
I have to get my hands on Ian before he grows up much more! Adorable!
Cash misses Ian and has been talking about him a lot latel!!